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Blueberries on the Barrens Picnic – Saturday July 20! Also – Scouting for Blueberries tomorrow July 13 at 9 a.m. at the Barrens Cabin!

Blueberries are ripe on the Namekagon Barrens! Come celebrate on Saturday, July 20 when the Friends of the Namekagon Barrens Wildlife Area host their annual “Blueberries on the Barrens” picnic for members, neighbors, and the public. Join us at the Barrens Cabin at 33174 Gomulak Fire Lane for the morning’s events.

You can also join other volunteers to scout for blueberries tomorrow (July 13) at the cabin at 9 am. We use the information from our scouts to map out the hot spots for the folks that come to pick on July 20, our picnic day. No registration is required for either event. Keep in mind that blueberries are very weather dependent and abundance can vary substantially from year to year. Prime picking spots also change from one season to the next.

On Saturday the 20th, Friends group members will be at the Cabin site to provide maps and directions to nearby wild berry patches at 8:30 a.m. with a program to follow at 11 a.m. Presentations include the “DNR “Snapshot” Wisconsin Wildlife Monitoring Program” by Gary Dunsmoor (retired DNR Wildlife Staff), “The Barrens through the Seasons” by Dave Peters (author of “Sand and Fire,” a book about the Barrens), Namekagon Barrens Management Update by Nancy Christel (DNR Wildlife Biologist) and a talk on Burnett County History by Olaf Danielson (local historian and author).

There will also be displays, door prizes, and a silent action. As in past years, we are providing lunch with burgers, brats and beverages; a free-will donation is requested.

Come for a fun time and a chance to see the beauty of the Barrens, as many wildflowers are in bloom. If you have questions contact Kathy Bartilson at 715-520-2984 or oh2paddle@gmail.com. Check out the Friends of the Namekagon Barrens Wildlife Area (FNBWA) website at namekagonbarrens.org for detailed directions and more information about the FNBWA and this amazing state wildlife area.

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