Welcome to Namekagon Barrens Wildlife Area (NBWA), home to sharp-tailed grouse and to a beautiful, globally rare habitat. Although this population of Wisconsin sharp-tailed grouse has been increasing and becoming more stable over the last 10 years since securing and improving more habitat, all efforts must be made to maximize mating and brood success. NEW in 2025: Access leks via town roads and limit driving within the property in order to minimize disturbances to newly established leks now present throughout much of the property.

Recent Minnesota DNR research documented less mating behavior at leks when viewers arrived later or left earlier than recommended, compared to when people followed protocol.
All users must agree to this Protocol to reduce disturbances during mating and to keep viewing blinds open to the public. Only visitors that sign and agree can reserve a blind.
Thank you and enjoy the show!
Nancy Christel (wildlife biologist)
- NEW in 2025: Limit driving within the property; access via town roads to limit disturbances to other leks. For handicap access, contact Nancy Christel.
- Be in the blind at least 45 minutes before sunrise, the earlier the better. Females are less likely to return when flushed after sunrise.
- Remain in the blind until the birds have left at the end of the display period, typically 2-3 hours. When birds are flushed by a predator and it is still early, they can return within a minute or several. Be quiet and move slowly while in the blind.
- When you leave, gather your items, close the door and windows, and leave quickly and quietly in case they wish to return to the lek.
- Complete the survey and leave it in the blind. Males display an orange eye comb and a violet throat patch when they dance. Females do not dance and lack the eye comb and throat patch.
My reservation party and I will follow the above protocol because we value healthy, sustained populations of sharp-tailed grouse and want to keep viewing blinds available.
Use this link to reserve a blind and pledge to follow this protocol. HERE