Author: RLCCP
Viewing Blind Reservations Are Now Open
The Supersaas reservation site FNBWA uses to manage reservations is now ready for your use. Please remember The Friends of the Namekagon Barrens Wildlife Area…
2022 Annual FNBWA Newsletter Available
Topics for use with site search function: Thanks to our Leaders and Participants FNBWA has a new web site at Monarchs on the North…
Winter at the Barrens (Facebook post)
Visit Facebook to see more of the photos:
Viewing Blinds for 2022
We are currently working on getting the registration site set up to schedule a viewing blind. Please check back to this post to learn when…
Want to write for FNBWA ?
We are always looking for volunteers who would like to share their knowledge about the Barrens using the Barren’s Blog. If you are interested use…
Annual Meeting
This post was created on a desktop by going to the FNBWA Facebook page and getting embedded HTML code and pasting it into a WP…
Want to write for FNBWA ? – working draft only
We are looking for volunteers who would like to share their knowledge about the Barrens using the Barrren’s Blog. If you are interested use our…