DNR Request for information on locations of bear dens
Greetings Friends of the Namekagon Barrens! Our Wildlife Biologist Nancy Christel asked us to share information on bear research, and to ask for reports on…
Greetings Friends of the Namekagon Barrens! Our Wildlife Biologist Nancy Christel asked us to share information on bear research, and to ask for reports on…
Exciting news! Friends Board Member Dave Peters has written a wonderful book about the Namekagon Barrens titled “Sand and Fire.” Published by the Wisconsin Historical…
Friends of the Namekagon Barrens Board member Dave Peters has written about about the Barrens! It’s soon to be released by the Wisconsin Historical Society…
August 18, 2022 A few folks met at the cabin for our last field day of the season, which we call “Sharp-tails and Bird Dogs.”…
May, 2017 This frenzy of activity took place on the lek last weekend. The first two hours were spent keeping warm, watching males dance, and…
Board Member, Vern Drake brought an excellent story to us in October – and photos too! Vern and his wife, Lynne, have a home about…
Sweet Fern, one of my favorite plants on the Barrens. I first noticed it when I went out to the Barrens on several trips to…
Bug Art on the Barrens As I wander around the Barrens, NBWA, each year I often noticed those ‘pine cone’ like things on the willow…
July 18, 2020 0830 Gather for picking blueberries 1030 Friends of Namekagon Barrens Wildlife Area meeting begins Later Free Lunch More content to come soon.
August 30 saw a six person group take a nature walk on the Namekagon Barrens. Friends Board members Mark Nupen, Jerry McAllister, and Dave Peters…