Search for 46.1139261, -92.0917646 in your map browser and then follow directions below for each blind.
North Blind
Drive north on Dry Landing Rd. for 2 miles and then park east on Clemens Fire Lane by the parking area sign. The ground may be a bit soft, so some may wish to park on Dry Landing. Walk east along the firebreak for approximately 1/8 mile and look for the ‘STG Blind’ sign. The blind is north of the firebreak.
East Blind
Drive north on Dry Landing Rd. for 3 miles, then east on North County Line for 1 mile, then south 1 mile on Gomulack to the parking area. Walk south approximately 1/4 mile. Look for the small ‘STG Blind’ sign. The blind is along the east side of the firebreak.
South Blind
Drive north on Dry Landing Rd. for 0.5 mile, then east on Delong-Lien Firebreak to the parking area. Walk east approximately 1/8 mile to the ‘STG Blind’ sign. The blind is south of the firebreak.
Bathroom and Picnic Area
Drive east on St Croix Trail and go south on Gomulack, then take a left at the first driveway to go east to the gate. If the bathroom is available, it will be right by the gate. The picnic area is open to the public and accessible by foot.

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